Both methods below allow you to take control of your loan payments and simplify the process. You can set up a one time payment using either method, or set it up so it’s automatically paid every month. The good news is that each option is just as easy as the next.
The first tool you can utilize is Diamond’s Pay Loans feature on the mobile banking app or through NetBranch.
- Log in to the Diamond mobile app.
- In the top left corner, click on Menu.
- Under the Services section, select Pay Loans.
- All of your available Diamond loans will appear here. Choose the loan you want to make the payment on. If you don’t see the loan you’re looking for, it’s most likely not a Diamond loan.
- A new screen will load asking you to choose a payment method via a DCU account, ECheck or Debit card. Since you have a DCU account, select Credit Union Account.
- From the drop down, pick which account you would like to use.
- Schedule the date you would like the payment to come out of your DCU account. If you want this payment to come out on the same day every month, check the box under Frequency. By checking the box, you are setting yourself up for automatic loan payments every month.
- Type in how much you would like to pay.
- Then click Pay Now.
Steps 1 – 3
Step 4
Steps 5 -9
To pay loans using this method on NetBranch, you will follow the same steps. The only difference is that Pay Loans shows up in the orange menu bar at the top when you first log in.
The Pay Loans option is one of the ways you can make a payment on your Diamond loan. The next option is to make a one time transfer or to schedule a recurring transfer. You can make your transfer through the mobile app or NetBranch.
Make a one-time payment via transferring in the mobile app:
- Log in to the Diamond mobile app.
- At the bottom of your screen, in the orange bar, you will see tabs with different options for you to select. Click on Transfers.
- Under the From Account section, you can select the account you want to pay your loan with. All of the available accounts you can transfer from will appear.
- The next section is To Account. Click the drop down and all of your accounts will show up. You want to select the Diamond loan you would like to pay for in this portion.
- Next, you’re going to fill out the amount section. This can be any dollar amount that you would like.
- After that, you will see three options: Transfer Now, Transfer On and Schedule Recurring Transfer.
- If you want to make a one-time payment now, select Transfer Now.
- Click, Schedule Transfer.
- You will be brought to the next page and asked whether you are done or if you would like to make another transfer. If you just want to make the loan payment, select Done.
Schedule a recurring transfer via the mobile app:
The difference between this and making a one-time payment are just a few quick steps. The benefit of doing this is that you don’t have to manually log in and remember to make your payment every month. You can schedule your monthly transfer and hopefully rid yourself of the panic of remembering if you made your payment or not.
- To start, follow steps 1-6 from above.
- Since you want to schedule a recurring transfer, select Schedule Recurring Transfer.
- From there a new section will appear. First, schedule the date you would like the first transfer of this series to occur. If your loan payment is due on the 28th of each month, schedule your payment on or before the due date.
- Next, there is a section that says, Repeats, with a drop down. You can choose whether you want this transfer to occur weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc. Since this is your monthly loan payment, select Monthly.
- After that, you will see the section, Ends. You can choose, Never, or After. Choosing Never would mean you need to keep an eye on when your loan is almost paid off and remember to go back and cancel the recurring transfer. However, if you select After you can enter in the amount of months you have left on your loan. You can also enter in the date of the last payment for the loan.
- Then click Schedule Transfer.
- A new page will pop up asking if you would like to make another transfer or if you’re done. If you’re finished making transfers, click Done.
Follow the picture below if you would like to schedule a recurring transfer.
To pay loans by transferring on NetBranch, you will follow the same steps as the mobile app. The only difference is that Transfer is in the orange menu bar at the top when you first log on.
If you would like more information about how you can simplify your loan payments, call 610.326.5490 to speak to a Diamond representative, or visit your local branch.