Card Emergencies
We're here to help when the unexpected happens.
To report a lost or stolen Diamond Visa Debit or Credit Card, or for other card problems such as fraud, or declined transactions, contact Diamond Card Services during normal business hours (EST) at 610-326-5490 or toll-free at 800-593-1000.
During NON-BUSINESS hours
VISA Debit Cards
To report a LOST or STOLEN VISA debit card:
Dial 866*820-2872 in the U.S. and follow the prompts (or 001-909-941-1398 Internationally).
For DECLINED VISA debit card transactions, or to REPORT FRAUD on your VISA debit card: Dial 800-593-1000, and follow the prompts.
NOTE: Your debit card activity is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for suspicious activity by our Fraud Alert Management Services Team.
If you received a phone call from our Fraud Specialists which was prompted by possible suspicious activity on your debit card, please follow the instructions given to either confirm the activity as valid, or report the activity as fraud. If you have any questions about this fraud monitoring service, or any calls you may have received, please call 800-593-1000 at any time.
Visa Credit Cards
To report a LOST or STOLEN Visa credit card, or for general inquiries:
Dial 866-820-3791 in the U.S. and follow the prompts.
Not urgent?
Send us an email.
To send an email, visit our Contact Us page and choose General Questions/Other from the drop down menu.
PLEASE NOTE: Email will not be responded to until the next business day during normal business hours.
Be proactive.
It is extremely important that you provide Diamond with your updated contact information, including cell number and email address so that we can reach you regarding suspicious debit card or credit card activity.